Saturday, November 10, 2007

#11 at last library land

I have wanted to do this for so long, thank heavens I never did begin the database I had promised myself to create one day. Fancy procrastination being as much of a virtue as patience!...although I could wish I had begun my association with library thing years ago.

my library thing is too small to view now...... BUT JUST YOU WAIT

As you can see per instructions there is a widget and a search box BUt in keeping with my pattern of not quite getting it right that search box appears to search group libraries bsed on the books in my librry BUT that is not what I wanted. Maybe when i add more titles. Please of mythical beholder of this blog enlighten me...why group is bound up in the widget.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

At least you've got your own identity now. Does that mean i can have my own back...
Luv Noisy Nora