I just read the OCLC Newsletter and I got even more excited than the next person; because I was looking at what it didn’t say as much as what it did. Where was a mention of picture books or westerns or even sci-fi for heaven’s sake?
Will they make 'print on demand' books in a comfy to hold, pleasant to turn the pages of, small size format? Who has seen one that does not look like a spiral bound A4 computer manual? Guarantee me a book as a well designed object as well as an information source and I will be a convert.
What about kids who read screens not books? I can only flip between four screens at a time on my machine. Researching just about anything I can have dozens of open books and bookmarked (old style) books within arms reach. (True confession time I even printed out all the 23 things to make the activities easier).
I’ve got this fossil feeling and I don’t like it very much. What does a really ' up there and with it' library hold on its shelves in the way of fiction. I just can’t imagine it. I can see the reference collections going but are we suggesting that our book collections will no longer be in demand as patrons positively choose e-books and audio books and other rich web based activities as substitute activities for old fashioned reading. If that is the case I will shut up right now. Is it? Help me out folks.
Lost…the plot…lets hurry up and get on to wikis …I dig wikis!
Hi busy Lizzie,
I can't see books, real objects that have the look, smell, feel of books - I can't see them going out the window. I personally would use e-books, and other online resources for research/work purposes but nothing can beat curling up on the couch with a cuppa, some chocolate and a good book.
Welcome to the program! it's never too late to join and what a great blog.
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