Thursday, November 22, 2007

#13 Tagging & Social Bookmarking

Its funny but while I can see lots of use for tagging, and am feeling my way into useful tags for my posts to this blog, my pictures in flickr and especially in the books I am adding to my library thing using it for book marks does not excite me right now.

I think it is because wiki and google searching is just so good that I am not using my own bookmarks very much anymore. I used to rely on them so much for navigating but now with more experience at keyword searching, the replacement of the old AltaVista style search engines by gorgeous google and RSS feeds they just sit up there in the tool bar all unloved.

What do you use your first generation bookmarks for? 2.0 social book marking is a totally different ball game. It just lead me to GoodReads and that looks fun but has to be postponed till the due date work first and fun after 1st December. So does a proper read of the seven habits of highly effective bookmarkers

Sitting at a library conference Wednesday one thought bounced round my brain about adding tagging to Dewey.
What if we could open up one entry in a Marc record as an open input tagging entry.

Cataloguers would do the Dewey and subject entry thing and then we readers add tags.
Any congruence between reader tags and Dewey would be nice. Differences enlightening.

Maybe readers do want to tag books as long, short, gentle, coarse, blokey, chicks, crude, nice, red or blue

Wouldn’t it be fun to look at our books via those lovely tag clouds?

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