Monday, November 26, 2007

#23 Thank you folks

I learned lots about my own nature as a learner. It has taken willpower to front up to sites that won’t load, that are full of computer geek speak that I blanked out on. I hated having to do stuff over and over till I got it right and got a decent post published. But then I also hated having to finish posts when I really needed to spend hours more on each topic to really satisfy my desire to understand it all properly.

Learned that finding sites I enjoy visiting, can relate to and feel I can trust on the net is not easy even with the help of learning 2.0. It’s a whole new language and mindset out there and in general sites in which the influence of a ‘literate’ web author are obvious seem to work better for me.

Learned that given the slightest excuse I will spend far too long sitting at the computer.

Am totally excited about getting a wiki going in my local community, don’t care who starts it but just know we are computer literate enough now to produced a great event together. Am thinking about using a blog and Flickr for my next “what I did in my holidays “ composition.

Am not quite so confident that I will revisit all the sites I think should without the impetus of a deadline looming up. Ands that about sums Learning 2.0 up for me. I had known about most of this stuff before but this fabulous program walked me up to these amazing places and gave me the tools to get inside and play.


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